Welcome to Angels on Earth

Creative Arts Studio


Angel Gallery I
Angel Gallery II
Angel Gallery III

Welcome to Angels on Earth I

Angels on Earth are an inspiration given to me by real people that I have met
through out my life including the wonderful ladies from "Neue Start 2007" Celle.
We are surrounded of Angels on Earth, Angels who care, who harvest,
who guide and love. Angels who protect, who embrace and who are true friends…

Angels on Earth are not and cannot be perfect because they are human;
they are here to learn from other angels as well.

Angels on Earth are of a friendly, generous, warm-hearted nature.
Some show sympathy or understanding, some are charitable, considerate,
kind to animals, some create masterpieces of art and music….
Look around you and in you, are you one of them? They are everywhere.
Welcome to Angels on Earth II and III

Angels on Earth II and Angels on Earth III.